Walsh M.R. and Roden C. Fish (eggs) out of water: evolutionary divergence in terrestrial embryonic plasticity in Trinidadian killifish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in press)
Walsh M.R., Christian A., Feder M., Korte M., Tran K. Are parental condition-dependent transfer effects more widespread than is currently appreciated? A review. Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (Suppl_1): jeb246094.
Tran S.M., Howell K.J., and Walsh M.R. Increased eye size is favoured in Trinidadian killifish experimentally transplanted into high competition environments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology (in press)
Howell, K.J., Walsh M.R. Transplant experiments demonstrate that larger brains are favored in high competition environments in Trinidadian killifish. Ecology Letters 26:53-62
Howell, K.J., Muh S., Parajuli B., and Walsh M.R. Experimental test of the influence of light availability on the evolution of eye size and behavior in Daphnia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36:805-815
Travis J., Bassar, R.D., Coulson T., Reznick D., and Walsh M.R. Density dependent selection. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 54:85-105
Einum S., Ullern E.R., Walsh M.R., Burton T. 2022. Evolution of prey population dynamics in response to an invasive predator. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9003
Rani V., Burton T., Walsh M.R., Einum S. 2022. Evolutionary change in metabolism in response to the invasive predator Bythotrephes longimanus. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9003
Howell K.J., Beston S.M., Walsh M.R. 2022. Sex-specific evolution of brain size and structure and covariation with eye size in Trinidadian killifish. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society136:226-239.
Walsh M.R., and Gillis M.K. Transgenerational plasticity in eye size in Daphnia. Biology Letters 17: 20210143
Howell K.J., Beston S.M., Stearns, S., and Walsh M.R. 2021. Coordinated evolution of brain size, structure, and eye size in Trinidadian killifish. Ecology and Evolution 11:365-375
Munch S.B, Lee W., Walsh M.R., Hurst T., Wasserman B., Mangel M., and Salinas S. 2021. A latitudinal gradient in thermal transgenerational plasticity predicted by theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20210797
Landy J.A., Ochmann A., Munch S.B., and Walsh M.R. 2020. Ancestral genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity underlies rapid evolution in resurrected populations of waterfleas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 117:32535-32544.
Dunlap K.D., Corbo J.H., Vergara M.M., Beston S.M., and Walsh M.R. 2019. Predation drives the evolution of brain cell prolifertation and brain allometry in male Trinidadian killifish (Rivulus hartii). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20191485.
Goos J., Swain C., and Walsh M.R. 2019. Maternal diet and age alter direct and indirect relationships between life history traits across multiple generations. Functional Ecology 33: 491-502
Beston S.M., and M.R. Walsh. 2019. Natural selection favors a larger eye in response to increased competition in natural populations of a vertebrate. Functional Ecology 33: 1321-1331
Beston S.M., Dudycha J., Post D.M., and Walsh M.R. 2019. The evolution of eye size in response to increased fish predation in Daphnia. Evolution 73:792-802
Gillis M.K., and Walsh M.R. 2019. Individual variation in plasticity dulls transgenerational responses to stress. Functional Ecology 33: 1993-20022018
Card D., Perry B., Adams R., Schield D., Young A., Andrew A., Jezkova T., Pasquesi G., Hales N., Walsh M.R., Rochford M., Mazzotti F., Hart K., Hunter, M., and Castoe T. 2018. Novel ecological and climatic conditions drive rapid adaptation in invasive Florida Burmese pythons. Molecular Ecology 27: 4744-4757
terHorst C.P., Zee P.C., Heath K.D., Miller T.E., Pastore A.I., Patel S., Schreiber S.J., Wade M.J., and Walsh M.R. 2018. Evolution in a community context: Trait responses to multiple species interactions. American Naturalist 3:368-380
Walsh M.R., Beston S.B., Funkhouser C., Gillis M., Holmes J., Packer M., and Goos J. 2018. Daphnia as a model for eco-evolutionary research. Natural History of crustacea: Vol 5: Life Histories; Oxford University Press p. 403-424.
Hales N., Schield D.R., Andrew A.L., Card D.C., Walsh M.R., and Castoe T.A. 2017. Coordinated shifts in gene expression underlie predator-induced transgenerational phenotypic shifts in Daphnia. Molecular Ecology 19:5003-5015
Beston S.M., Wostl E., and Walsh M.R. 2017. The evolution of vertebrate eye size across an environmental gradient: phenotype does not predict genotype in a Trinidadian killifish. Evolution 71: 2037-2049
Gillis M., and Walsh M.R. Rapid evolution mitigates the ecological consequences of an invasive species (Bythotrephes longimanus) in lakes in Wisconsin. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170814
Beston S.M., Broyles W., and Walsh M.R. 2017. Increased predation on juveniles is not associated with evolutionary shifts in brain in Trinidadian killifish (Rivulus hartii). Ecology and Evolution 7:884-894
Packer M. and Walsh M.R. 2017. Divergent responses to population density reverse the pathway from evolution to ecology among locally adapted population. Evolutionary Ecology 31: 477-487
Shaney K., Hamidy A., Walsh M.R., Arida E., Arimba A., and Smith E. 2017. Impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the contemporary biogeography of threatened crocodilians in Indonesia. Oryx 1-12
Walsh M.R., Castoe T.A., Holmes J., Packer M., Biles K., Walsh M.J., Munch S.B., and Post D.M. 2016. Local adaptation in transgenerational responses to prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20161075
Walsh M.R., Broyles W., Beston S.M., and Munch S.B. 2016. Predator-driven brain size evolution in Trinidadian killifish (Rivulus hartii). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20161075
Walsh M.R., Cooley F., Biles K., and Munch S.B. 2015. Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity within- and across-generations: a challenge for theory? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20142205.
Whittington D., and Walsh M.R. 2015. Divergent phenotypic responses to predators and cyanobacteria in Daphnia lumholtzi. Freshwater Biology 60: 1880-188
DeLong J.P. and Walsh M.R. 2015. The interplay between resource supply and demand determines the influence of predation on prey body size. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 1-7
Schield D.R., Walsh M.R., Card D.C., Andrew A.L., Adams R.H., and Castoe T.A. 2015. EpiRADseq: scalable analysis of genome-wide patterns of methylation using next generation sequencing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 60-69
Walsh M.R., Whittington D., and Walsh M.J. 2014. Does variation in the intensity and severity of predation drive evolutionary changes in reproductive life span and senescence? Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 1279-1288
Walsh M.R., Whittington D., and Funkhouser C. 2014. Thermal transgenerational plasticity in natural populations of Daphnia. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54: 822-829
Walsh M.R., La Pierre K.J., and Post D.M. 2014. Phytoplankton composition modifies predator-driven life history evolution in Daphnia. Evolutionary Ecology 28: 397- 411
Walsh M.R. 2013.The evolutionary consequences of indirect effects. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 23-29
Walsh M.R. 2013. The link between environmental variation and evolutionary shifts in dormancy in zooplankton. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54: 713-722
Walsh M.R., DeLong J., Hanley T., and Post D.M. 2012. A cascade of evolution alters consumer-resource dynamics and ecosystem function. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 3184-3192
Walsh M.R., and Post D.M. 2012. The impact of intraspecific variation in a fish predator on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity and investment in sex in Daphnia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 80-89
Furness A.I., Walsh M.R., and Reznick D.N. 2012. Convergence of life history phenotypes in a Trinidadian killifish (Rivulus hartii). Evolution 66: 1245-1254
El-Sabaawi R., Kohler T., Zandona E., Travis J., Marshall M.C., Thomas S., Reznick D.N., Walsh M.R., Gilliam J.F., Pringle C., and Flecker A.S. 2012. Environmental and organismal predictors of intraspecific variation in the stoichiometry in a freshwater neotropical fish. PLoS ONE 7: e32713.
Walsh M.R., and Post D.M. 2011. Interpopulation variation in a fish predator drives evolutionary divergence in prey in lakes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2628-2637
Walsh M.R., and Reznick D.N. 2011. Experimentally induced life history evolution in a killifish in response to the introduction of guppies. Evolution 65: 1021-1036
Walsh M.R., Fraser D.F., Bassar R.D., and Reznick D.N. 2011. The direct and indirect effects of guppies (Poecilia reticulata): implications for life history evolution in Rivulus hartii. Functional Ecology 25: 227-237.
Oufiero C.E., Walsh M.R., Reznick D.N., and Garland T. 2011. Swimming performance trade-offs across a gradient in community composition in Rivulus hartii. Ecology 92:170-179.
Walsh M.R., and Reznick D.N. 2010. Influence of the indirect effects of guppies on life history evolution in Rivulus hartii. Evolution 64: 1583-1593.
Bassar R.D., Reznick D.N., López-Sepulcre A., Walsh M.R., Turcotte M., and Torres-Mejia M. 2010. Bridging the gap between ecology and evolution: Integrating density regulation and life history evolution. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences 1206 (2010) 17-34.
Walsh M.R., and Reznick D.N. 2009. Phenotypic diversification across an environmental gradient: a role for predation and resource availability on the evolution of life histories. Evolution 63: 3201-3213.
Walsh M.R., and Reznick D.N. 2008. Interactions between the direct and indirect effects of predators determine life history evolution in a killifish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 594-599.
Walsh M.R., Munch S.B., Chiba S., and Conover D.O. 2006. Maladaptive changes in multiple traits caused by fishing: Impediments to population recovery. Ecology Letters 9: 142-148.
Conover D.O., Arnott S.A., Walsh M.R., and Munch S.B. 2005. Darwinian fishery science: lessons from the Atlantic silverside. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 730-737.
Munch S.B., Walsh M.R., and Conover D.O. 2005. Harvest selection, genetic correlations, and evolutionary changes in recruitment: one less thing to worry about. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 802-810.